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Exercises 7-10

Use the seven rules to convert the following pieces of text into clear, well-formed claims on your workspace.

These sentences all express pieces of reasoning, so refine the claims then color the boxes appropriately and construct argument maps.

7. Bollywood films are great as they're entertaining and culturally interesting

Model answer


8. We should definitely go ahead and ask for Richard's advice because he's very good indeed with many varied types of computers.

Model answer


9. I'd enjoy myself at the beach: Love that swimming and sunbathing!

Model answer


10. The Beatles - great music, as they had talent

Model answer



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Set 4 - Refining claims • Claims • Seven rules • Exercises 1-6 • Exercises 7-10 • Final

© Austhink 2007.  Rationale Exercises version 0.1, Sep-07

Note: these exercises are undergoing continual improvement. Next time you come back they might be a bit different.

Let us know what you think!