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Argument Mapping Tutorials from Austhink
Argument mapping is using graphical methods to display the structure of reasoning and argumentation.  The technique is essential for advanced critical thinking.  Without mapping, it is very hard to be clear about the structure of evidence; and without such clarity, critical responses usually misfire.  These six extensive tutorials cover the fundamentals of argument mapping, from elementary inferences through to the most complex arguments.  Each tutorial contains concepts, principles, and vocabulary; a quiz; and exercises with model answers.

Thinking Critically: A Tutorial by Joel Rudinow and Michael Donovan, Santa Rosa Junior College
This tutorial is designed as a companion to the textbook Invitation to Critical Thinking by Joel Rudinow and Vincent E. Barry. It provides a progressive series of self-paced interactive exercises for the student, covering material presented in the textbook.

Mission: Critical
"Mission: Critical is an interactive tutorial for critical thinking, in which you will be introduced to basic concepts through sets of instructions and exercises. Formal instructional materials have been kept to a minimum, in order to take advantage of Mission: Critical's interactive format. Through immediate reinforcement for right and wrong answers to a series of increasingly complex exercises, you will begin to utilize the essential tools of intellectual analysis."

Logic Tutor
"is a web-based tutorial program which provides more than 1,100 exercises and summaries on every major concept in The Art of Reasoning."

Argumentation and Critical Thinking Tutorial at Humboldt State University
"This is the ARGUMENTATION AND CRITICAL THINKING interactive tutorial site. The tutorials consist of a series of tests to help reinforce your knowledge and understanding of some basic concepts associated with making arguments and thinking critically. It specifically focuses on the Classical Logical Stucture of Arguments and Informal Argumentative Fallacies."

Exercises in Thinking Critically from James Madison University
"We hope that ETC provides students and teachers in "Critical Thinking" and Elementary Logic classes, but not only there, with some better ways to learn reasoning skills.  ETC is part of an ongoing interest in developing creative and rigorous ways to teach reasoning skills."

The Toulmin Method from Colorado State University
Introductory tutorial covering Toulmin's method of analyzing arguments; aimed at students in an undergraduate writing class.  Contains basic theory and an extended exercise.  Well-designed, but the whole thing would be much better if they'd used software-supported argument mapping. [10 Aug 02]

Last updated: 22 Jun 2007