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This page lists pages of, or about, specialists in critical thinking.

Sharon Bailin 
"My research has focused on philosophical investigations in the areas of creativity, critical thinking, aesthetics and arts education, and drama education. This research has been funded by SSHRC Standard Research Grants in 1992 and 1996 and several internal grants. My book, Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity, was awarded the Canadian Association for the Foundations of Education Book Award."

Jonathon Baron
Researcher in psychology of judgement and decision making.  Author of well-known textbook, Thinking and Deciding.

Ed Brandon
This is a publication list. Ed doesn't seem to have a home page. 

Robert H. Ennis
"My academic interests lie primarily in the areas, critical thinking, philosophy of science (especially causality), and analysis of educational concepts."

Peter Facione
This "Insight Assessment" website is Facione's business arm. Follow the "Contact us" link for information about Facione. See also his academic site. 

Michael Gilbert
"My philosophical work has always centred on questions about the nature and structure of argumentation. I believe that this basic and very common form of human communication covers a broad range of interactions ranging from polite and constructive discussions to miserable quarrels. When I write I mean to include a great deal of this broad range within my area of interest...My own work is fairly radical insofar as I believe that emotional, intuitive (kisceral,) and physical (visceral) arguments ought be considered legitimate and studied just as much as logical arguments. In my work I argue for this position, and claim that its adoption opens avenues that permit an emphasis on agreement as opposed to disagreement. I call this approach Coalescent Argumentation, and believe that its adoption tends to decrease conflict and increase constructive communication."

Leo Groarke

Donald Hatcher
"Donald Hatcher is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Critical Thinking and Liberal Arts Program and Center for Critical Thinking at Baker University."

David Hitchcock
"Research interests: I am interested in consequence relations, especially those other than formal deductive validity: semantic consequence, material consequence, probabilistic consequence, provisional (ceteris paribus) consequence. I also work in ancient Greek philosophy, including the work of ancient Greek philosophers (mainly Plato and Aristotle) on fallacies and the evaluation of arguments."

Deanna Kuhn
Professor of Psychology and Education, Teacher's College, Columbia University. "She is involved in the study of critical thinking and reasoning from a developmental perspective and its implications for education. Her research has involved a wide range of age groups from middle childhood through old age." [22 May 02]

Richard Paul
"Dr. Richard Paul, Director of Research at the Center for Critical Thinking and Moral Critique, is an internationally recognized authority on critical thinking..."

Tim van Gelder

Douglas Walton 
"Douglas N. Walton (Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Toronto, 1972) is Full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Winnipeg (Canada), and is the author of many works on informal logic, fallacies and argumentation."

Last updated: 22 Jun 2007