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Sourcebook of Assessment Information, National Postsecondary Education Cooperative
"The Sourcebook is an interactive version of Definitions and Assessment Methods for Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Writing, by Dr. T. Dary Erwin, Center for Assessment and Research Studies, James Madison University. It was written for the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC)." Insight Assessment
"Leaders in assessment and evaluation services." Peter Facione's business. Vendors of many useful tests including the California Critical Thinking Skills Test. The Efficacy of Undergraduate Critical Thinking Courses by Tim van Gelder.
"This report surveys the available empirical evidence on the efficacy of courses in critical thinking or informal reasoning." Critical Thinking Skills - Definitions and Assessment. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation.
"Example queries: How do I incorporate the development of critical thinking skills into the curriculum? What assessments are available for measuring students' critical thinking skills?"
Critical Thinking: Its Definition and Assessment. by Alec Fisher & Michael Scriven.
"What is critical thinking? In this innovative monograph, the authors construct a new and comprehensive definition of critical thinking - the evaluative definition - which places evaluative judgement at the heart of critical thinking. This is elaborated with a novel and detailed account of the competencies which make up critical thinking and which need to be taught and assessed if critical thinking skills are to be improved (in a rapidly changing and increasingly computerised age which makes them daily more important). Against this background, the authors then address a second question: How should we assess the quality of someone's critical thinking? The answer to this question is again novel and introduces a new instrument for assessing critical thinking - the multiple-rating item. After reviewing some traditional tests of critical thinking - including the Watson-Glaser and Cornell tests - the authors show how multiple-rating items overcome many of the problems of multiple-choice and constructed response questions. They go on to argue the case for using various kinds of multiple-rating items to assess critical thinking precisely because these absolutely require the candidate to engage in the very evaluative judgement which is at the heart of critical thinking." Sciencephobia by Thomas D. Cook.
Argues for using proper randomized trials in education research. Teachers of critical thinking take note: this is what it would take if you're really serious about knowing whether what you're doing actually makes any real difference. Tests
An Annotated List of Critical Thinking Tests by Robert H. Ennis
Cambridge Thinking Skills
Website for the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate Thinking
Skills Assessment. Contains sample tests. Interesting if you want to
see what they expect of Cambridge undergraduates; also if you want to do a
practice test yourself. [22 Jan 05] Cornell Critical Thinking Tests California Critical Thinking Skills Test Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric by Facione & Facione
"This assessment device can be used in conjunction with objective tests to provide multiple measures of critical thinking performance." GRE Writing Assessment Reflective Judgment Interview and
Reasoning about Current Issues Test Critical Thinking Essay Examination (ICAT) by "The International Center For the Assessment of Thinking" Critical Thinking Exam by ATI.
[Link dead]
"ATI offers a test specifically designed to measure each [nursing] student's critical thinking ability. Each critical thinking component is documented in our comprehensive diagnostic reports, which provide a complete analysis for both students and educators. The test can be administered at both entrance to and exit from the program to gauge a student's progress." Last updated:
19 Jun 2007