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Let's put everything we've just learned together to write an essay based on this map:

Here's the model answer:

I believe that democracy is the best system of government.

My main reason depends on the claim that democracy reflects the will of the governed.  This claim should be accepted as it is true by definition.

My reason assumes that the best system of government is one that reflects the will of the governed.  This assumption could be challenged by the claim that the best system of government is one capable of taking necessary but unpopular steps.  I reject that objection, as democracy via a representative parliament can take such steps.  This is a good but weak rebuttal because representative parliaments can take unpopular steps in theory, but in practice elected representatives may not do so for fear of risking their future election prospects.

Since the challenge to the assumption fails, we should accept that my reason is a good one.  It provides only weak support for the position that democracy is the best system of government, as the complex matter of which system of government is best should be decided with reference to additional factors, e.g. whether it promotes fairness and justice.
Based on the argument considered, we should accept the conclusion that democracy is the best system of government.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how we arrived at this essay.

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© Austhink 2007.  Rationale Exercises version 0.1, Sep-07

Note: these exercises are undergoing continual improvement. Next time you come back they might be a bit different.

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