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To reflect argument evaluations in essay prose you need to make a clear statement of what your evaluation is, and say why you assessed the basis, claim, reason, or position in the way you have.

We'll use this map to demonstrate:


... We know this on the strength of the examples of Roberta Bondar and Mae Jemison.  This basis is solid since these women are indeed NASA astronauts.

... We should accept the claim that NASA employs female astronauts, given these examples.

... This reason provides only weak support for the conclusion since being an 'equal opportunity' employer requires that one must employ people regardless of race, skin colour or national origin, as well as sex.

... We should reserve judgment on the question of whether NASA is an equal opportunity employer, in the absence of further information on the diversity of their employees.

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Set 12 - A challenge • Bases • Copremises • Evaluations • Example • Polishing • Pick your challenge • Final

© Austhink 2007.  Rationale Exercises version 0.1, Sep-07

Note: these exercises are undergoing continual improvement. Next time you come back they might be a bit different.

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