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Before you begin...

First, you might want to enlarge this window, at least a little bit.  Here's how...

Second, it will help if know the basic mechanics of using Rationale.  Here's a short video.  It goes for just one minute.

Finally, you'll be making lots of maps, so you need to manage your workspace.  You have two options:

  • Delete maps after you finish an exercise (select the map and click 'delete' in the ribbon menu)
  • Keep old maps and move to a clear part of the workspace for each exercise (click on a blank area on the workspace and drag the whole screen in any direction).
OK, I'm ready...

© Austhink 2007.  Rationale Exercises version 0.1, Sep-07

Note: these exercises are undergoing continual improvement. Next time you come back they might be a bit different.

Let us know what you think!