
Home > Set 10 > Set 10 - Advanced Reasoning Maps 

Set 10 - Advanced Reasoning Maps

Sometimes Reasoning maps aren't fine grained enough to show all the details that we might want to show. In this set you'll learn how to show assumptions and make claims more precise using a powerful, advanced kind of argument map: the Rationale Advanced Reasoning Maps.

Skills and key concepts

Skills and key concepts


Set 10 - Analysis maps • Second page • Example • Exercise 1 • Exercise 2 • Exercise 3 • Exercise 4 • Exercise 5 • Inference objections • Exercise 6 • Exercise 7 • Final

© Austhink 2007.  Rationale Exercises version 0.1, Sep-07

Note: these exercises are undergoing continual improvement. Next time you come back they might be a bit different.

Let us know what you think!