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Home > Set 8 > Exercise 1 

In the set 6 quiz you made some assessments about the degree of support that a basis gives a claim.  Now let's show your basis box assessments on a Rationale Reasoning map.

Exercise 1

1. Drag this map onto your workspace and evaluate just the basis box (leave the reason and position as they are for now).

Drag this onto the workspace

Drag this image onto the workspace to proceed.  You must be using the inbuilt browser in Rationale 1.3 or later.


2. Check your work against the model.

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Set 8 - Assessing • Second page • Third page • Fourth page • Example • Exercise 1 • Exercise 2 • Exercise 3 • Exercise 4 • Exercise 5 • Exercise 6 • Final

© Austhink 2007.  Rationale Exercises version 0.1, Sep-07

Note: these exercises are undergoing continual improvement. Next time you come back they might be a bit different.

Let us know what you think!