How confident should I be about certain sources of information?
How sound would you judge the following sources of evidence to be? Do you consider these trustworthy sources of information?
If you answer wrongly you will get a hint, and two more chances to select the right answer. Make a note of your final score when you have finished the quiz, then close the quiz window to return to the Rationale Exercises.
Claim: Fatblasters tablets will magically melt away 10 kilos of flab overnight. Basis: Assertion by Con Trapp, CEO of Fatblasters Inc.
Claim: For the first half of geological time our ancestors were bacteria. Basis: Expert opinion from Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist who holds the Charles Simonyi Chair for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University.
Claim: The road from Parkes to Manildra used to pass by an old red barn with a green cow painted on it. Basis: Assertion, made by my 90 year old Grandpa who visited the area when he was 12 years old.