every simple argument should have a pyramidal shape.
Every complex argument, when fully articulated, will have a pyramidal shape.
A pyramidal shape is an ideal to which complex arguments approximate, when fully articulated and properly mapped.
more general or abstract considerations should appear higher in the argument tree, and considerations at the same level of the tree should be at roughly the same level of generality or abstraction.
Regarding the Pyramid Rule, which of these is TRUE?
The closer to the main contention, the more specific, detailed or concrete the consideration should be.
Secondary considerations should be more abstract than primary ones.
co-premises should form the base of a pyramid.
The higher (closer to the main contention) in the argument tree, the more general or abstract the consideration should be.
The second aspect of the Pyramid Rule says:
All considerations in a group should be at roughly the same level of generality or abstraction.
All considerations in a chain of reasoning should be at roughly the same level of generality or abstraction.
All considerations at a given level of an argument tree should be at roughly the same level of generality or abstraction.
The more general or abstract the consideration, the higher in the tree it should appear.
Which of these is TRUE?
The Pyramid Rule applies to groups of considerations, while the MECE Rule applies to levels in the argument tree.
The MECE Rule applies to groups of considerations, while the Pyramid Rule applies to levels in the argument tree.
Both the Pyramid and MECE rules apply to levels of the argument tree rather than groups of considerations.
Both the Pyramid and MECE rules apply to groups of considerations rather than levels of the argument tree.
a complex argument involving both reasons and objections
a complex argument involving inference rejoinders and rebuttals.
an argument in which one side presents supporting evidence and the other side presents opposing evidence.
a dispute in which the primary reasons and objections are themselves disputed.
MECE means
Mutually Exhaustive, Collectively Exclusive
no gaps, no overlaps in a group of considerations
me see the answer
Mutually Exhausting, Collectively Excruciating
The ME part of the MECE Rule requires that
considerations at a given level of an argument tree should be mutually exclusive
considerations within a given group should be mutually exclusive
considerations within a given group should have no conceptual overlap whatsoever
co-premises should be mutually exclusive
What is wrong with this argument map?
It violates the Pyramid Rule.
It violates the MECE Rule.
It violates both the Pyramid and MECE Rules
It does not diagram co-premises.
Which of these is TRUE?
The Pyramid and MECE Rules MUST be observed in any well-developed argument map.
Every well-developed argument map will be shaped like a pyramid.
The Pyramid and MECE Rules are "rules of thumb" which should generally be observed, though there are occasions when they do not apply to the letter.
The Pyramid and MECE rules can be applied in a very mechanical fashion to determine whether your argument map is properly constructed.