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Exercise 3.4 Model Answer

Produce an argument map of the reasoning in this passage:

The idea that there should be lots of stars in the background of the Apollo pictures seems very logical on first consideration. After all, if we go out on a clear night and look up, we see many stars.  However stars are very faint, and faint objects need long exposure times, which were not used when the photos were taken. Consider also that there are no stars in the background of other images taken in space. [Based on 3.1-4]

Note that for this exercise your argument map should include at the appropriate places all relevant claims made in the passage.  However it need not represent any hidden co-premises.

Model Answer


The passage contained a multi-reason argument with one reason and two objections.  The hard part in mapping the reasoning is correctly assigning claims (premises) to reasons and objections. 

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 Last updated 28-Nov-2006