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3.4 Disputes

A dispute is where there are both reasons AND objections bearing upon a single contention.


These are just some of the arguments raised in Apollo Moon Landings, concerning whether or not the Apollo astronauts landed on the Moon.  They illustrate a dispute: evidence presented for and against a particular contention.

Strictly speaking, to have a dispute, you only need at least one reason and at least one objection relating to a single contention.  Typically however there will be a number of each type. 

Within a dispute, a reason and an objection are counter-arguments.

A dispute is a simple form of disagreement.  It contrasts with genuine debates, which are more complicated and interesting. We will consider debates in Tutorial 6.

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A dispute is an argument in which there are both reasons and objections bearing upon a single contention.

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 Last updated 28-Nov-2006