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Tutorial 2 - Simple Argument Structure
In Module 2 we continue to examine simple arguments, now looking much more closely at their internal structure.  What are their parts and how do those parts relate to each other? 

We already know that a simple argument has two main parts: a reason (or objection) and a contention.  But reasons are themselves made up of parts, known as premises.  We need to understand how all these parts fit together, and how to show that structure in diagrams. 

The core principles of Module 2 are

  • every reason and objection is made up of at least two distinct claims, known as co-premises; and
  • every significant term or concept in a simple argument must appear in at least two claims (co-premises or contention). 

When mapping arguments, observing these two principles will help ensure that the arguments are properly structured, and that all important parts of the argument have been identified and put in their right place.



2.1 Premises
2.2 Multiple Premises
2.3 Co-premises
2.4 Golden Rule
2.5 Hidden Premises
2.6 The Rabbit Rule
2.7 Using the Rabbit Rule
2.8 Holding Hands
2.9 No Danglers
2.10 Summary
Quiz - Tutorial 2
Exercise 2.1
Exercise 2.2
Exercise 2.3
Exercise 2.4

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 Last updated 07-Dec-2006