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Rationale – Software for Critical Thinking
Superseding Reason!Able, Rationale is the first high-quality software for argument mapping. It benefits from all the research and experience of the Reason! Project, and is used by schools and universities around the world to teach critical thinking skills.

Reason!Able – PC software makes reasoning easy and fun. Reason!Able guides and scaffolds reasoning on any issue. Complex arguments are translated into simple, colorful interactive diagrams. Students using the software make record gains in critical thinking skills.

For an overview of Reason!Able see The Reason! Project (pdf file)

Argument mapping software. “The Athena software is designed to support analysis and production of reasoning and argumentation by students in higher education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.” [19 Jun 02]

“Learning Evaluation Makes Understanding Real…LEMUR accompanies the text of Thinking Clearly: A Guide to Critical Reasoning by Jill LeBlanc.”

Fallacy Tutorial Pro
“Fallacy Tutorial Pro is a shareware SuperCard® Standalone application that provides an introduction to informal fallacies (errors in reasoning) as well as three quizzes on these fallacies.”

Logic Coach
“LogicCoach consists of an extensive series of computer modules that cover virtually all topics taught in a college course in logic…The design of the program is to simulate on the computer screen, as closely as possible, the work that a student would do with a paper and pencil.”  See also the Wadsworth site.

“Belvedere is software for constructing and reflecting on diagrams of one’s ideas, such as evidence maps and concept maps. Belvedere is designed to help support problem-based collaborative learning scenarios in which middle-school and high-school students learn critical inquiry skills that they can apply in everyday life as well as in science.”

Developing Critical Thinking Skills For Effective Reading
“Developing Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Reading is reading comprehension software that motivates students to improve their reading skills while providing teachers with measurable results. This easy-to-use software helps students improve their critical thinking skills and develop the ability to make inferences.”

Software-based package for critical thinking in schools.  Includes simple a argument mapping tool, a process, and a guidebook. [25 Jul 05]

Formal Logic Software

Logic Software & Logic Education by Hans van Ditmarsch
Links to heaps of logic software and related materials…

Tarski’s World, Hyperprof, Turing’s World etc. – Award winning formal logic software.

Software for Business

Kepner-Tregoe’s eThink
“eThink is the first software that revolutionizes the hard part of business — simplifying, systematizing, and making visible the crucial problem-solving and decision-making processes that yield winning results. It is the only software of its kind that produces true benefits from shared thinking. Unlike software that automates routine business tasks — writing memos, crunching numbers, scheduling meetings, processing data — eThink generates a new kind of organizational knowledge by applying common thinking processes to business issues. It makes knowledge accessible and reusable, while creating a continual springboard for competitive advantage and business success.”

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